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MVHR Heat Recovery Servicing

We service all makes and models

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Why choose HRV?

We are specialists in home ventilation from new systems to aftercare and maintenance for MVHR, MEV and PIV Systems.

Replacement MVHR Unit - Special Price

Does you MVHR Unit need replacing?
Get up to a 5 year warranty.

We have a fantastic offer available until the end of 2024 on the following models:

  • Vent Axia Sentinel Kinetic BH
  • Nuaire ECO2, MRXBOX95 (selected models)
  • Greenwood HR155/CA155

Special Price : £1795 ex VAT 

Subject to review of current installation.

PayPal Pay in 3 – interest free payments available

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or Call 033 0223 4180

MVHR Service Options

We offer a range of servicing options. 
Find you make and model and get an instant quotation.
Save when you book and pay online.  If you're not sure, pleasre send an enquiry

MVHR Service

MVHR Service

PayPal Pay in 3 is now available

From £165.83 + VAT (£199.00 inc VAT)

  • MVHR System Service
  • Experienced with all brands, makes and models
  • Rated Excellent on Trustpilot
  • Fully trained and insured service engineers

What's Included?

  • Clean/Sanitise inside MVHR unit and motors*
  • Clean/Sanitise Heat Exchanger*
  • New filters (Basic Barrier G3) - can be upgraded
  • Clean and sanitise in room air valves
  • Check condensate connection
  • Test boost controls
  • Airflow test and re-balance**
  • Service report including recommendations

*where accessible inside MVHR unit
**where fan has sufficient power and vent duct install allows

What's not included?

  • Replacement parts
Service Quote
MVHR Deep Clean

MVHR Deep Clean

PayPal Pay in 3 is now available

From £450.00 + VAT (£540.00 inc VAT)

  • A full MVHR system and Ducting Deep Clean
  • We service all brands, makes and models
  • Rated Excellent on Trustpilot
  • Fully trained and insured service team

What's Included?

  • Clean/Sanitise inside MVHR unit and motors*
  • Clean/Sanitise Heat Exchanger*
  • New filters (Basic Barrier G3) - can be upgraded
  • Clean and sanitise in room air valves
  • Check condensate connection
  • Test boost controls
  • Airflow test and re-balance**
  • Service report including recommendations

*where accessible inside MVHR unit
**where fan has sufficient power and vent duct install allows

Ducting Deep Clean based on ducting type installed (to be confirmed at quotation stage)

Rigid Ducting (Branched)
Mechanical fogging which provides anti-bacterial sanitisation of the ducting, killing 99.99% of bacteria.

Semi-Rigid Ducting (Radial)
Mechanical cleaning brush system and mechanical fogging which provides anti-bacterial sanitisiation of the ducting, killing 99.99% bacteria.

What's not included?

  • Replacement parts
Quote Request
Vent Call Out

Vent Call Out

System Investigation

From £135.00 + VAT (£162.00 inc VAT)

  • Ventilation System Call Out
  • 50% of call out fee discounted from remedial works
  • Rated Excellent on Trustpilot
  • Fully trained and insured service engineers

What's Included?

  • Inspection of visible ductwork
  • Assessment of vent system performance
  • Assessment of vent system controls
  • Reivew of issues reported
  • Engineer Report and recommendations
  • Remdial works quotation (where applicable)

What's not included?

  • Replacement parts
  • In-depth investigation e.g. ductwork camera
Send Call Out Request

Save with your neighbours

Are there others in your block or development that might be interested in a ventilation system service? We offer block booking discounts for a minimum of 4 people

Register your interest or call us to find out more. 

Block Booking Enquiry

or Call 033 0223 4180

Common MVHR Questions

How often should I service my MVHR Heat Recovery System?

Your MVHR Heat Recovery Ventilation System is working continiously to remove stale air and pollutants and bring in fresh, replacement air.
The motors, heat exchanger, filters, air valves and ducting are quickly clogged with dustm debris and grease which impact performance

Recommended Servicing:

  • Annual Servicing - Clean and sanitisation of the system including the unit, in room air valves and airflow test (more than just the fitlers)
  • Check/Replace filters every 6 months (or sooner depending on outdoor air pollution)

Regular servicing will uphold manufacturer warranties and lengthen the life of your unit.

What should I do if my MVHR system needs a repair?

If your MVHR system requires repair, it’s best to contact a qualified technician or the original installer, especially if they are BPEC-accredited. Attempting to fix it yourself may void the warranty or cause further damage.

Many MVHR systems come with service agreements or are covered under warranty, so always check your documentation before seeking repairs. Regular maintenance can prevent breakdowns, but in case of malfunction, a professional assessment will identify and resolve the issue efficiently.

How do I know when my MVHR filters need replacing?

Most MVHR systems will have a filter change indicator, either on the control panel or through an app, which alerts you when it’s time to replace the filters. Additionally, if you notice reduced airflow, increased dust in the home, or unusual system noises, it may be a sign that the filters are clogged and need changing.

Regular visual inspections can also help you monitor the condition of the filters.

What happens if I don't change my MVHR Filters?

If you go longer than 6-12 months without changing your MVHR filters they will become completely clogged with moisture, grease and dust, and this could have a negative impact on your indoor air quality.

Ovetime it will be more difficult for the air to move through the system, reducing the overall effectiveness of the unit in the home.  It may also start to become noisy.

If you see a lot of dust and dirt build up on the filters, it will also be inside the unit as well - so annual servicing is recommeded!!

Does your MVHR Unit need a repair?

Your MVHR unit is much like other white goods and can experience errors and issues and some parts will requiring replacement or repair over time.  Annual MVHR servicing and regular filter changes are recommended to lenghten the life of the MVHR unit and ensure the system is not clogged with dust and debris.  

If you are experiencing any issues or have error codes showing in your MVHR unit, we can help.

Launch HRV Vent Check

What's happening inside your MVHR unit?

As your MVHR unit moves air in and our of your home, dust, debris and grease collects inside and on and around key parts.  Overtime, this can impact peformance and reduce the life span of key parts. 

MVHR servicing is recommended anually and filter repalcements minimum every 6 months.  Simply changing the filters may not be enough to maintain good indoor air quality and to uphold manufacturer warranties overtime. 

Ventilation servicing should include focus on;

  • Motors 
  • Filters
  • Heat Exchanger
  • In Room Air Valves
  • Controls & Airflow Testing

The Benefits of MVHR